Collabora Online in UCS: get your own private office suite in few minutes

In this article I would like to introduce you to the most important features and benefits of Collabora Online, explain the possibilities of using it to meet data protection requirements together with Nextcloud or ownCloud, and show you how easy is to integrate and operate Collabora Online with Univention Corporate Server (UCS). You will also […]

Our Third Party Apps Charts for March 2019

Univention App Center Charts

It’s time for a new edition of the 3rd Party App Charts. Compared to the last issue there were the following changes:

UCS 4.4: How to configure RADIUS

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) is a central component of UCS and enables you to control access to WLAN networks for users, groups, and devices. In January we published a blog post with a short introduction to RADIUS, and in this article I’m going to explain how to set up RADIUS for your UCS […]

Brief Introduction: DHCP and DNS

Brief introduction to dhcp and dns: Portal view

DHCP and DNS are two essential services in IT networks. While a DHCP server sends out information that clients need to communicate with other machines and services, DNS ensures that servers, clients, and services can be found by their names.

UCS 4.4 Release – Admin Diary, Self Services and Windows Domain Trusts

After the extensive updates of the basic distribution with the release of UCS 4.3, our focus during the development of UCS 4.4 was on the implementation of new functionalities: The enhancements include new functions in Self Services, in the Portal, in Radius Integration and in Services for Windows. In addition, the Admin Diary is a […]

Access your Desktop remotely with Guacamole


If you’re looking for a way to maintain your computers remotely, maybe Guacamole is the answer. The remote desktop gateway offers easy access to your systems – any time and from any location. All you need is a web browser: Guacamole is a HTML5 web application. Not long ago we’ve included the program in the […]

How-To: Single Sign-On for Nextcloud


Log in once and automatically gain access to all programs and services – Single Sign-On (SSO) is a proven tool against the ever-increasing password fatigue among users. This is why many companies and educational institutions make it possible for users to log on centrally and only once. It is also easy to set up Single […]

Backup your Windows PCs: Bareos in the Univention App Center | Part 2

In February this year, we published a blog post on how to install the Bareos app via the Univention App Center. We explained how to modify the setup by adjusting some UCR variables and how to configure Windows or Linux computers from the UCS domain as Bareos clients. In this second part, we will explain […]

Linux and Windows Backups: Bareos in the Univention App Center | Part 1

In the App Center, our partner Univention provides a growing number of applications from different manufacturers. All programs can be installed and set up with just a few clicks. They’ve also integrated our Open Source backup solution: Bareos is licensed under AGPLv3 and specializes in heterogeneous IT landscapes. So, if you’re running UCS, the App […]

How-To: Securing Networks with RADIUS


Many organizations and educational institutions allow users to work on their personal laptops, tablets and smartphones. Bringing Your Own Device (BYOD) is popular because it reduces the financial burden on businesses and gives users a greater freedom of choice as well as their familiar working environment. Before users connect to the school or corporate Wi-Fi […]