Our Five Core Values

Our unique and open corporate culture is the core of our identity. It serves not only as a guide for our behavior but also as a source of inspiration for our daily work. We are committed to continuously improving ourselves and collectively realizing our vision. Learn more about our culture and the five core values ​​that form the foundation of Univention, providing potential new colleagues with insight into our company.

be open

Openness is our Strength

Our commitment to our products applies to ourselves as well. That’s why we foster an open and constructive feedback culture that helps each individual to grow personally and professionally. We regularly exchange ideas, look beyond the boundaries of our own departments, and are grateful for new insights. Only in this way can we unleash our full potential, drive projects forward successfully, and realize our vision.

be open
wir sind integer
Trust & Communication

We are Integrity

We believe that integrity forms the basis for trustworthy interactions in all directions. We openly express what we think and ensure that our words and actions align with our values. This applies to both our team and our customers, who rely on Univention because we communicate our goals transparently and stand by our decisions.

In cases of disagreement, we approach our colleagues directly and openly express our concerns. We rely on the principle of ‘Disagree & Commit’ – even if we’re not convinced by every decision, we ultimately support it and trust in the competence of others.

Eye Level

We respect Others

From the student worker to the managing director – at Univention, we meet each other at eye level, listen to one another, and treat our colleagues, customers, and partners as we would like to be treated ourselves.

In challenging situations, we support each other and seek solutions together. Elbow mentality and finger-pointing have no place with us because only in this way can we achieve more together.

wir respektieren andere
wir tragen verantwortung
achieving great things together

We take Responsibility

We take responsibility – both for our customers and for our team. Each of us is passionately committed to leading the projects for which we are responsible to succeed. We contribute our own ideas and own up to our mistakes. We want to make a difference and enjoy achieving great things together as a fantastic team.

To accomplish this, it is our aspiration to provide all employees with the necessary tools to make independent decisions and recognize areas for improvement. Only in this way can each of us grow in our roles and actively contribute to Univention’s success.

Exploring new Paths

We Develop and Evolve

Digitalization is not standing still, and neither are we. We are constantly evolving, trying out new things, and staying curious.

Every day, we work to create an environment where the status quo can be challenged to develop innovative ideas and explore new paths in our projects. To achieve this, we support the professional and personal development of all colleagues from the outset through regular feedback discussions and training opportunities. Through various formats, we share our knowledge, provide insights into our projects and tools, and ensure that everyone is equipped with the necessary skills for autonomous and successful work.

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Do you have any Questions?

Feel free to contact us and send us an e-mail. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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