Central Univention App Center for comfortable App Administration in UCS 4.0

The Univention App Center will be conceptually reworked and enhanced to manage apps for the whole UCS domain environment and not just for each single system separately.

A brief tour of new features in UMC for UCS 4.0

The second preview of our upcoming UCS 4.0 release is available for download now. Along with UCS 4.0, the appearance and some fundamental usability aspects of the Univention Management Console (UMC) web interface have been reworked drastically. In this post, we would like to share with you some details about the new UMC.

Technical overview of the first UCS 4.0 preview

The first preview of our upcoming UCS 4.0 release is available. On this occasion I would like to give you an overview of the major technical changes in this preview release. 16.500 new source packages With UCS 4.0 the underlying Debian distribution is updated to Debian 7 Wheezy. That means all of the 16.500 source […]

What app developers tell us: “Show me how to start!”

Since May 2014, four new apps (Kaspersky Mail Server Security, Mandriva Pulse, Dokuwiki and WordPress) have been released and 12 apps have received updates from their vendors. I’m delighted about those numbers. But it definitely was some work on either side: phone calls, e-mails, technical discussions in the Univention forum and feedback during the approval […]

A Closer Look: Microsoft’s New Any-Device — But One Cloud — Strategy

As CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, heads up a company that is both an important partner and a real competitor. He can be heard citing German “Dichter & Denker” like Nietzsche and Rainer Maria Rilke and is a particularly interesting person in the tech world. So let’s take a look at his latest strategy at […]

An open platform for Enterprise applications

Our firm belief at Univention is that openness in IT is the key to success. That’s why we released the complete source code for our products back in 2005, and we are the first vendor providing an enterprise-grade open source product that delivers the functionality of Microsoft Active Directory, which, of course, is based on […]