Our daily companions: Malware, SPAM and Phishing – free yourself!

Source: Analyse, IKARUS Security Software GmbH The threat level is increasing! In 2014 alone, approximately 131,000 new types of malware were discovered daily – an increase of 250% when compared to the year before. This trend is continuing unabated: 9 million samples have already been discovered in the first quarter of 2015. It is not […]

Zarafa in Movement: A Short Story about Communication, Sharing and No Outlook

Earlier this year, we from Zarafa, have informed our ecosystem about the direction of Zarafa’s future product development. It was one, very long newsletter where we showed how we see the world of communication & sharing. Most people only remembered one thing, though: Zarafa stops Outlook.

From James T. Kirk to data security with privacyIDEA

We have all got something to hide. There are secrets and information that we only want selected individuals to know and be able to use. In business situations, the rules are often even stricter. We have all got something to hide. There are some data that the law itself states not everybody should have access […]

Univention Corporate Server for everyone

This week saw the official launch of the new Core Edition of Univention Corporate Server. With this move, we are now making it possible to employ our successful Open Source system for server and IT management free of charge in companies too.

Univention Corporate Server Now Available As a Free Core Edition

From now on, there is also a free edition of Univention Corporate Server (UCS) available for commercial purposes: the new UCS Core Edition.

No More Windows Server 2003 Support – The End of an Era and Opportunity for Openness

For almost a dozen years, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 has been the predominant enterprise server solution and platform for Active Directory, Exchange and many third party solutions. On July 14, 2015, this era will come to an end

Community-developed Open Source solutions in a corporate environment

To deliver a value, every infrastructure needs applications. If you review the Open Source business solutions market, community-developed Open Source solutions are often among the very best solutions. Examples are Redmine (project and process management), WordPress (publishing and blogging), DokuWiki (wiki), Subversion & Git (version control), Discourse (forum) and many more. Also, some renown companies […]

Open Cloud Alliance – Just Another Cloud Alliance?

Two weeks ago, we announced the Open Cloud Alliance. Since then, we received an overwhelming positive feedback from the press like the article “Open Cloud Alliance Formed to Answer Germany’s Data Privacy Concerns” as well as from cloud service providers

UCS Hybrid Cloud Management: Connection to OpenStack

UCS 4.0 introduces the cloud connection to OpenStack and Amazon EC2. In this post, I’d like to share some details about what it is and how it fits into our idea of virtual machine management.

Open Source Cloud Services Avoid Cloud Service Lock-in and Encourages Long-Term Innovation

Last month Amazon launched it’s Active Directory Service for Amazon Web Services, the word’s leading cloud offering from Amazon.