Crust: Digital Sovereignty for your Business with the Open Source Salesforce Alternative

Crust is now available in the Univention App Center. What is it and why should you try it out? About Crust More and more organisations are turning to Crust as a Salesforce alternative, for the feature set, the lower costs and the ability to self-host. The Crust platform includes a CRM, Service Cloud, Enterprise Messaging […]

How to Deploy Meet Videoconferencing on UCS

Communication is at the core of any business. Lack thereof can create misunderstanding and friction. The fact that today’s modern workplace is no longer bound to a single physical location, has made communication between professionals more challenging though. Fortunately, technologies like email, chat and online video meetings are here to help us out. The Univention […]

Univention App Center receives Nextcloud 16

It has taken a while, as we had to make Nextcloud 16 compatible with the version of PostgreSQL (9.4) in UCS, but here it is: Nextcloud 16 is now available on the Univention App Center! Aside from the significant improvements in Nextcloud 16, this version also delivers two much requested features: a secure LDAP connection […]

Videoconferences at Univention

In times of telecommuting they have become indispensable: videoconferences. Anyone who frequently participates in them knows that nothing is more disturbing than distorted scraps of conversation and lagging interlocutors. A flawless transmission, however, enables employees to focus on the essential topic and exchange information about it, even in a digital environment. It adds up to […]

How To: Easily Evaluate and Permanently Operate Apps with Appliances

IT environments are a dynamic situation with changing problematics, requirements and needs of users. System administrators have to face these dynamics while maintaining IT operations. Therefore, they have to regularly deal with new software solutions and check whether they fit the requirements, needs and circumstances of their own IT environment. In this article, we want […] Introduces New UCS-based Solution at ImPuls e. V. Association

An outdated IT landscape, many different desktop systems with proprietary software and corresponding license costs had repeatedly confronted the administrators of the association ImPuls e. V. from Hohen Neuendorf, Brandenburg, with problems. A solution was sought that would make both setting up new workstations and maintaining already existing desktops easier. The responsible persons also desired […]

No longer Windows exclusive: Automatic document recognition soon available for Linux Users

Users of agorum core will soon receive an update for the OCR engine*. In addition to a significant performance boost, text recognition will be also be a benefits for Linux users thanks to the Linux-compliant pillar. agorum core is a highly flexible enterprise content management software (ECM) that allows individual configuration and customization with a […]

Wekan: The Open Source Kanban Board as Alternative to Trello


Whether you’re maintaining a personal TODO list, planning your holidays with family or friends, or working in a team on your next revolutionary idea – Kanban boards are a great way to organize tasks, visualize a project’s current state, and become more efficient. They also make it easy to focus and detect potential problems, i.e. […]

Discovering Your Very Favourite Apps – The New App Suggestion System in Our App Center

At Univention, we are constantly thinking about how we can add benefit and value to our Univention Corporate Server (UCS) and App Center. One idea born from this is the app suggestion system, which I would like to introduce to you in this article. I would also like to give you some insight into how […]

Unclouding: UCS-Apps as SaaS-Alternative

Not only since the discussions about the GDPR last year, security and data protection have returned to the attention of both companies and users. Following the trend to move as much as possible to the cloud, there are now again conflicting approaches: The “unclouding”, that is the return from the cloud to on-premise solutions on […]