Backup your Windows PCs: Bareos in the Univention App Center | Part 2

In February this year, we published a blog post on how to install the Bareos app via the Univention App Center. We explained how to modify the setup by adjusting some UCR variables and how to configure Windows or Linux computers from the UCS domain as Bareos clients. In this second part, we will explain […]

Linux and Windows Backups: Bareos in the Univention App Center | Part 1

In the App Center, our partner Univention provides a growing number of applications from different manufacturers. All programs can be installed and set up with just a few clicks. They’ve also integrated our Open Source backup solution: Bareos is licensed under AGPLv3 and specializes in heterogeneous IT landscapes. So, if you’re running UCS, the App […]

Secure in the Cloud – Two-Factor Authentication for Single Sign-On


Today many services are offered as web applications. This can be self-hosted systems such as ownCloud or Kopano or cloud services such as the Google G Suite / Google Apps for Work. The number of services a user uses for his daily work is constantly increasing. So the desire for Single Sign-On is understandable. The […]

3rd Party App Charts in December

Univention App Center Logo

It’s time for a new edition of the 3rd Party App Charts. Compared to the last issue in September, there were the following changes:

Multi Container Support for Docker Apps for Univention App Center


Since the release of UCS 4.1 in November 2015, the App Center has supported Docker apps. These are applications in the form of Docker images that are deployed by the App Center in a Docker container. To do this, the App Center downloads the Docker image of an app and starts the Docker container. We […]

In the Univention App Center: OpenID Connect Provider

OpenID Connect Provider-01-01

With the development of the OpenID Connect Provider App, which we announced at the Univention Summit 2018, we have taken another important step towards making UCS a secure and open platform for managing a wide range of services. The goal we are pursuing: All UCS users should retain full control over their data and digital […]

ONLYOFFICE & Nextcloud Now in UCS: How the Solutions Met Again

ONLYOFFICE Nextcloud Appliance in UCS

Today we share our story about how ONLYOFFICE and Nextcloud have formed a strong duo within corporate infrastructures, and how Univention helps it become even more technically accessible to users.

Implementation of a Standardized E-Mail and Corporate-Wide Backup System with Kopano and SEP

Foto von der Backwelt Pliz GmbH

Learn in this case study how the company Backwelt Pilz consolidated its outdated, heterogeneous IT environment, which was characterized by disparate services and systems. In addition to introducing a standard e-mail system via Kopano, they virtualized on KVM and established a professional business backup with SEP sesam.

Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Neurosciences Switched Live to UCS


Research at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences revolves around human cognitive abilities and cerebral processes. Among other focuses, this includes higher level brain functions such as language, emotions, and social behavior as well as plastic changes in the human brain. For this, a flawlessly functioning IT system is essential.

Our Third Party App Charts for September 2018

Univention App Center Logo

We provide you today with an updated edition of the Third Party App Charts.