It’s been a while now we have introduced a new category to the App Catalog on our website called “Vote for Apps”. Here, we present Apps that are not yet available in the App Center but for which you can cast your vote. We thus want to find out which solutions are most useful for helping you in your daily operations. Your answers not only help us to decide which Apps we will introduce next, but your answers also serve us as a valuable basis for commmunication with the respective vendors.
In order for the App Catalog not to be flooded with eligible Apps, we limit the number of these Apps and share them with you for only a limited period of time.
Result of the first round
The first solultions that we put online for a period of four weeks, from January 12 to February 9, 2018, were: GitLab, GNU Mailman 3, Wekan and Zammad. The vote is over and the result is now available:
Zammad won most of the votes, closely followed by GitLab. Far behind but close to each other came the solutions Wekan and GNU Mailman 3.
Candidates of the second round
The second vote is already online. This time you can vote for the Apps Cozy Cloud, a service to access personal data in the cloud, furthermore a Connector to Dropbox Business as well as SOGo, an open source groupware server.
If you now got excited about voting, why don’t you stop by at the App Catalog, select the category “Vote for App” in the menu on the left and vote for the solution that you would love to install next from the App Center. Just click on the button “Vote now” on the detail page of the respective App.