Univention Corporate Server 5.0-5

Univention Corporate Server 5.0-5 is the fifth point release for Univention Corporate Server (UCS) 5.0. It contains all erratas released since version 5.0-4 for bug fixes, performance improvements and security updates for Samba, Linux, OpenSSH, Bind and Python, among others.

Univention and MariaDB Offer Support for the Fail-Safe Operation of Keycloak in UCS

Since last year, the single sign-on solution Keycloak has been a central component of our identity and access management strategy. With Keycloak, third-party applications can log on to the system using standard protocols such as SAML and OpenID Connect. This means that users only have to log on once centrally and can then access all […]

Outlook on the Upcoming Role Design in UCS and UCS@school

Since our last blog article on the future role model, we have made significant progress in transforming the UCS role and rights model. The custom role design, currently under development, is taking shape. In this article, we would like to focus on introducing two promising new components: One of them allows you to evaluate the […]

UCS@school 5.0 v4 Released

The patch level release UCS@school 5.0 v4 from the beginning of August comes with a whole range of improvements for our school software solution UCS@school which I would like to share with you in this article.

UCS Patchlevel Releases: Adjusting Release and Maintenance Times

In this blog article, I would like to inform you about important adjustments to the release and maintenance times for UCS patch level releases. First of all, I would like to give you a brief overview of how a maintenance cycle of UCS works and which components are part of it.

New Features for Keycloak as Upcoming Standard Identity Provider of UCS

With UCS 5.2 Keycloak will become the standard IDP for SAML and OpenID Connect authentication and will replace the current SimpleSAMLPHP and Kopano Connect apps. Read more about the big picture in our blog article Migration of the Identity Provider in UCS – Keycloak App now Part of the Support Scope. The first step we […]

Univention Corporate Server 5.0-4

UCS Release 5.0-4

With Univention Corporate Server 5.0-4, the fourth point release for Univention Corporate Server (UCS) 5.0 is now available. It includes functional enhancements and improvements, new features, several detail improvements, and bug fixes. Also included in the installation media are all errata that have appeared since version 5.0-3.

The next UCS Release: Leap to UCS 5.2

UCS 5.2 Release

I would like to look ahead to UCS Release 5.2. And yes, that is right, we will release UCS 5.2 and not, as you would otherwise expect, UCS 5.1. Let me briefly explain the reasons for this in the following.

Cool Solution: Single-Sign-On-Integration of Moodle into UCS@school

From pandemics to corporate training, new technologies have transformed the landscape of learning dramatically in recent years. It is especially true in the area of learning platforms. Whether used for self-study or to coordinate homework, learning platforms have become an integral part of almost all educational institutions. Many UCS@school users rely on the well-known Open […]

Unification of Administration and Provisioning of Open-Xchange (OX) User Accounts and Functional Mailboxes

In this blog article I would like to briefly introduce you to the new feature of OX Connector and OX App Suite.