Third Party App Charts in December

Univention App Center Logo

After the last charts for 3rd party apps in the App Center we published beginnning of October, it’s now time for a short update. Current members of the Top Ten Third Party Apps of the Univention App Center are:

An Introduction to ONLYOFFICE Document Editors

Screenshot of ONLYOFFICE Suite

After our first article ONLYOFFICE joins the Univention family, we are going to give you this time a closer insight on ONLYOFFICE: how we created our editors, what was chosen as a technological basis and how it benefits businesses and individual users in creation of their everyday documents. But first, a little bit of history. […]

EGroupware 17.1 with Collabora Now Available in the Univention App Center

With version 17.1, EGroupware has been extended from the classic groupware with an integrated CRM system to include a file server with Collabora Online Office. The complete package can be easily installed via the Univention App Center. In addition, the browser-based EGroupware does not require an Office suite to be installed on the client. modernizes IT at the SchwuZ in Berlin with Univention Corporate Server

Foto vom Berliner SchwuZ Klub

Two outdated IT islands were causing problems time and time again at the SchwuZ, a cultural event organizer in Berlin. The existing IT infrastructure at the club was more like a mishmash of decentralized servers and software than an efficient and secure IT server environment. For this reason, the SchwuZ decided to remedy the situation […]

EGroupware in the Univention App Center: Group Dynamics of Bits and Bytes

Screenshot vom Kalender in EGroupware

The Univention App Center makes it easy to install and set up a sophisticated collaboration solution on a stable basis. Univention Corporate Server (UCS) offers this basis – also for the integration with other open source solutions. EGroupware was created in 2003 and is thus one of the early collaboration solutions in the open source […]

Use of Univention Corporate Server: Our 3rd Party Charts

Univention App Center Charts

Thousands of organizations around the world use Univention Corporate Server every day. And the number increases week after week. The reason among others is that the Univention App Center contains, in addition to many UCS modules and extensions, dozens of professional enterprise applications from various vendors which can be easily integrated and maintained via the […]

ONLYOFFICE joins the Univention family

Users and providers of Univention Corporate Server now can add ONLYOFFICE Online Editors to their infrastructure from Univention App Center. ONLYOFFICE is now a part of the Univention App family and complements it with a full-scale collaborative suite that offers editors for text documents, spreadsheets and presentations. It is 100% compatible with Microsoft Office files […]

New: UCS 4.2 App Appliances in Own Corporate Branding

Our App Center team has been busy as usual, releasing four Apps from the Univention App Center as App Appliances. An App Appliance bundles UCS and an App in a virtual machine. The Appliances are available for the virtualization and cloud formats KVM, VMware, and VirtualBox. In addition to the pre-configured App, they also contain […]

More Ransomware Protection with ownCloud: Combat WannaCry, Petya & Co.

Bild von Hacker

After the waves of attack by ransomware WannaCry in May and its successor Petya in June, agitation prevails in many IT departments. The economic damage is now already in the billions and CIOs are under great pressure to protect companies and their users from new attacks. But how can you protect your company against these attacks, […]

OpenVPN to Secure your Samba Authentications Automatically

Login Illustration

Samba 4 has become the tool of choice for companies with diverse clients that seek a Linux-based central identity management. However, a growing number of organizations are offering work from home options and manage distributed operations like construction companies with a computer at every construction site or an insurance provider with several offices. The securing of all authentication processes […]