Univention App Center Charts

Thousands of organizations around the world use Univention Corporate Server every day. And the number increases week after week. The reason among others is that the Univention App Center contains, in addition to many UCS modules and extensions, dozens of professional enterprise applications from various vendors which can be easily integrated and maintained via the App Center. Therefore we are monitoring very closely which of these apps are really used and to which extent. Today, I would like to share some of the insights with you.

Our most important App is the Active Directory component of UCS. Its distribution increases, though its share decreases slightly in comparison to other Apps. Today, it is installed on almost every other active UCS system. It is remarkable how the open source software Samba, on which our App is based, has become a unique solution for the provision of Active Directory domain services for thousands of companies, authorities, and schools.

Third-party Apps

More than every other organization that uses UCS now also uses at least one of those enterprise Applications in the App Center that are provided by a third-party vendor. Have a quick look at our “3rd Party Charts” to see which Apps these are:







OX App Suite




Bareos Backup Server




Horde Groupware Webmail Edition


opsi – Client Management




Collabora Online


Secure File Sharing is One of the Most Important Application Areas of Open Source Solutions

Looking at this top ten chart and in particular at the positions of the file sharing solutions ownCloud (#1) and Nextcloud (#4), we can derive that an uncomplicated provision and synchronization of data seems to be one of two top application areas for many UCS users. The core functions of these two Apps are precisely in this area.

Collaboration and Groupware Play a Decisive Role in Companies

The second equally important area of use are the topics collaboration and groupware: The most important two providers of these solutions are Kopano (#2) and Open-Xchange (#4) followed by Horde Groupware (#7), which is a pure community solution.

Open Source Apps are also Important for the Operation of IT Infrastructures

Three other of the top ten Apps belong are for the easy and secure operation of IT infrastructures, such as UCS itself: Bareos Backup Server (#5) is a popular and fast growing backup solution, OpenVPN4UCS (#6) makes it possible to manage secure private networks easily with UCS, and “opsi – Client Management” (#8) is primarily used for software distribution and automatic setup and maintenance of Windows-based clients.

Project Management and Online Office Matter, Too

Two other fast-growing Apps have made it into the top ten: OpenProject (#9), a project management software as indicated by its name, and Collabora (#10). Collabora is installed with either ownCloud or Nextcloud and allows to edit text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations directly in the browser – similar to Microsoft Office 365 with multiple users at the same time. A similar extension for the app Open-Xchange is also available in the App Center.

The combination of these Apps and UCS provides for a growing number of organizations a secure, stable, easy-to-use IT platform under their own control. Using UCS, organizations can easily combine cloud services and decide for themselves whether and for what purpose they are used.

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  1. Malogica Software

    November 7, 2024 at 07:08

    It’s fascinating to see the variety of third-party apps integrated with Univention Corporate Server (UCS). The growth of solutions like ownCloud, Kopano, and Bareos highlights the increasing demand for secure file sharing, collaboration, and IT infrastructure management. UCS truly offers a comprehensive and customizable platform for organizations worldwide.

  2. Nordbuckets

    November 7, 2024 at 07:15

    The integration of third-party apps with Univention Corporate Server is impressive, especially in areas like file sharing, collaboration, and IT management. Apps like ownCloud, Kopano, and Bareos Backup Server demonstrate UCS’s versatility. It’s clear UCS provides a powerful, customizable solution for businesses looking to optimize their IT infrastructure.

  3. Malogica Systems

    December 12, 2024 at 04:47

    Great insights into the Univention Corporate Server ecosystem! It’s impressive how the UCS App Center simplifies the integration and maintenance of both UCS modules and third-party enterprise apps. The growing adoption of solutions like ownCloud, Kopano, and Nextcloud shows the demand for secure, open-source file sharing and collaboration tools.


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