Univention App Center Charts

It’s time for a new edition of the 3rd Party App Charts. The charts show which apps from the Univention App Center were most frequently installed and put into operation on UCS. Compared to the last edition the following changes have occurred:

  1. ownCloud
  2. Nextcloud
  3. Kopano
  4. ONLYOFFICE Document Server
  5. OX App Suite
  6. SuiteCRM
  7. Collabora Online Development Edition
  8. OpenProject
  9. Bareos Backup Server
  10. opsi

There have been changes in the second half of the top 10. The biggest winner is Collabora Online Development Edition, which has climbed from place 9 to 7. The apps OpenProject and Bareos have swapped placements. On the middle ranks 5 and 6, OX App Suite and SuiteCRM were swapped back again. The places 7 & 8 and 9 & 10 are close together. From place 11 a candidate is preparing to move up into the top 10. Who that is, will not be revealed yet. It shall remain exciting.

New Apps 2019

On the occasion of the updated ranking, I would like to take the opportunity to briefly mention the large number of apps newly released in Univention App Center in the beginning of 2019:

  1. UCS@school Kelvin REST API serves as an interface to query UCS@school objects.
  2. Crust is the open source Salesforce alternative and private, cloudbased CRM platform.
  3. Ethercalc is a webbased, collaborative spreadsheet editor that allows you to work on spreadsheets with your colleagues, friends or fellow students.
  4. Kopano Meet is a secure, open source and easy-to-use solution for video conferencing.
  5. UCS@school ID Connector provides unidirectional synchronization of user objects between UCS@school environments.
  6. Seafile as a file collaboration solution ensures that employees and teams can share, edit and organise files efficiently and securely with just a few clicks.
  7. GitLab is a complete DevOps platform that combines all functions for collaborative software development, from project planning and source code management to continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD), monitoring and security, in a single application.
  8. Odoo Community Edition is an open source management software for the automation of business processes.
  9. Zammad is a web-based customer support system and open source helpdesk with many features to enable customer communication via various channels such as phone, Facebook, Twitter, chat and email.
  10. Wekan offers card-based task and to-do management, boards, lists, swimlanes, labels, templates and archiving possibilities based on Kanban boards.
  11. The two apps Admin Diary Backend & Frontend log various UCS domain-specific actions and are aimed at administrators who want to quickly gain an overview of administrative changes in their UCS domain.
  12. Xentral is a flexible ERP and CRM system for production, personnel planning and marketing.
  13. Rocket.Chat is an open source team chat platform that allows users to communicate securely in real time via web, desktop or smartphone.
  14. itslearning LMS Connector provides user account data from a UCS environment with itslearning.

Current App Voting

     Logo ownCloud Online Connector

As you can see, a lot has happend in the App Center over the past 14 months. Furthermore we would like to constantly expand the App Center’s offer to make UCS the open platform for deployment and management of IT in organizations. In order to better assess the needs of UCS users, we occasionally create so-called app votings where you and other users can vote on apps that are not yet in the App Center, but which we think provide added value. If there is a clear interest, we will look into the topic or app. The current voting deals with the following app ideas:

  1. Kimai is a web-based time tracking solution for teams, departments and small businesses that can be used in the browser and on mobile devices. Times are recorded for customers and their projects.
  2. ownCloud.online Connector is an idea for an app to automatically synchronize the user accounts and permissions centrally managed in UCS for your ownCloud.online organization account.

We are looking forward to your voting and will keep you informed about new additions in our newsletter as usual.

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  1. Martina Braatz

    June 23, 2022 at 15:06

    Good report, I use en.nextfiles.de for Nextcloud because it has a high level of data protection, is GDPR compliant and it comes from Germany. And is very attractively priced.


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