Don’t let them take you hostage

Visualisierung Computer Virus

How to back up data from Linux and Windows machines centrally with Bareos and restore them in case of disaster. Performing periodic backups in computer networks is indispensable. In times of Locky and other ransomware backups are often the only option left to regain access to your data. Nevertheless, for backups to be effective against […]

New in UCS 4.1: Docker Apps for the Univention App Center

Version 4.1 of Univention Corporate Server supports Docker Apps from within the App Center. However, firstly lets have a look back on how the App Center has developed over the last years to better explain the reasons why we decided to support Docker. Afterwards, we will have a quick look at the technical details of […]

Single Sign-On for UCS 4.1

In order to be able to guarantee the seamless integration of apps in the identity management system provided by UCS even more proficiently, we have now implemented a single sign-on for UCS function in Version 4.1. of Univention Corporate Server. Single sign-on allows a user who has authenticated himself once on an identity provider to […]

Data Security Thanks to Multiple-Factor Authentication in UCS with privacyIDEA + SAML

How can companies make access to their networks and applications securer and more user-friendly at the same time? What’s behind the terms SAML, multiple-factor authentication and single sign-on in this context? Cornelius Kölbel, Managing Director of our partner NetKnights, took the time to explain these technologies to us and illustrate how you can use the multiple-factor […]

Moving your business to the cloud?

According to a survey conducted by analyst firm Statista GmbH, 44 percent of German companies have moved their business to the cloud. During the last couple of years, many cloud providers have developed different applications and the upward trend will remain steady. Our development-team from Sweden designed the business software Fortnox already in 2001, so […]

Dovecot is the default IMAP/POP3 mail server in UCS

Univention integrated Dovecot as new default IMAP/POP3 mail server in UCS. This article gives a first overview about this integration. Why Dovecot as default IMAP/POP3 server in UCS? Dovecot has a focus on security, stability and performance, while complying with established standards. Similarly to Postfix Dovecot starts a couple of separate processes for different tasks. […]

Identity Management – What you Need to Know

Identity management (IdM) in essence refers to the management or administration of individual identities within a system, such as a company or network. Within the corporate world, ID management refers more specifically to providing IT managers with a centralised administrative system (Identity Management System – IdMS) where company users and permission restrictions to applications such […]

Zarafa integration update introduces module for managing Zarafa contacts

The latest update for the Zarafa app in the Univention App Center – to version 7.1.12 – is significant not just for Zarafa itself but also for UCS integration: the update brings you up to version 2 of the Zarafa Web app and allows the app to be installed on a UCS member server. One […]

Make money with Open Source software

Even today, the general consensus still stubbornly persists that Open Source software is developed by ponytailed computer geeks as a hobby in the middle of the night. It’s admittedly a very romantic notion, but one which only reflects the reality to a certain extent. The Linux Foundation recently published a very interesting document on who actually contributes […]

Our daily companions: Malware, SPAM and Phishing – free yourself!

Source: Analyse, IKARUS Security Software GmbH The threat level is increasing! In 2014 alone, approximately 131,000 new types of malware were discovered daily – an increase of 250% when compared to the year before. This trend is continuing unabated: 9 million samples have already been discovered in the first quarter of 2015. It is not […]