Google Apps for Work Connector

Logo Google Apps for Work Connector

In this article, I would like to describe the installation and use of our new Google Apps for Work connector. In parallel we have also published a new connector for Microsoft Office 365, but I will be describing its installation in a separate blog article.

New in the Univention App Center: Microsoft Office 365 Connector

Logo microsoft office 365

Last week we added two new apps to the App Center: In addition to a connector for Google Apps for Work, there is now also a connector available for Microsoft Office 365. In today’s article, I hope to give you a brief overview of its advantages and explain the easiest way for you to configure […]

Office 365 and Google Apps for Work – UCS allows control of user management

Logos Google apps for work connector und microsoft office 365 connector

Microsoft and Google are quickly developing into the top dogs of the office cloud scene, and companies are increasingly finding themselves faced with an uncomfortable problem: Namely, loss of control and freedom of choice. With the interfaces to Office 365 and Google Apps for Work which we have released for UCS, we are giving customers […]