UCC 2.1 with optimized roll-out management, integrated Citrix Receiver and more comprehensive hardware support is available now

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With the release of Univention Corporate Client (UCC) Version 2.1, Univention (www.univention.de) is now making its operating and management solution for (thin) clients available with integrated Citrix Receiver. In addition, the software employs newer kernel and Xserver versions, which allow the use of additional client hardware. Another new feature of UCC is the new image server, which enables the roll-out of clients in distributed infrastructures from local servers. As always, UCC is based on the Long Term Support (LTS) version of KUbuntu (currently 14.04).

CTX_R_Dimensional_RGBBremen, 21st July 2015 The release of Univention Corporate Client (UCC) 2.1 brings with it a whole range of innovations for Univention’s desktop and thin client solution: With the integration and certification of Citrix Receiver in UCC, the Bremen-based software developer is now making it even simpler to deploy its client operating system as a thin client solution. Whereas UCC users had to integrate Citrix Receiver in client images manually in the past, the thin clients operated with UCC can now connect directly with Citrix environments following the roll-out. In addition to Citrix, Univention Corporate Client also offers a platform for access to additional popular remote desktop and desktop virtualization environments from Microsoft and VMware.

The new version of UCC also features a flexibly employable image server, which considerably facilitates the roll-out and updating of clients operated at different sites and makes this possible independently of the network connection. In rural areas in particular, organisations can now utilise the available bandwidth to access applications without being restricted by software updates.

Particularly large organisations can also still choose the efficient, centralised operation of thin client systems. In addition, Univention Corporate Client also includes an KUbuntu 14.04-based desktop environment for business use. Version 2.1 also features the latest kernel and Xserver versions for KUbuntu 14.04, thus ensuring support of the latest client hardware.

Univention Corporate Client can be conveniently managed via the web-based Univention Management Console (UMC) of Univention Corporate Server and brings with it integral user and rights management via policies and desktop profiles. The automatic software distribution and the possibility of organising desktops in the directory tree by means of containers and organisation units, etc., considerably reduces the required administration efforts.

More information about the release of UCC 2.1 can be found in the Univention Forum.

About Univention

Univention is a leading provider of Open Source products for the operation and management of IT infrastructures. The core product is Univention Corporate Server (UCS), a flexible, cost-efficient and successful alternative to server solutions from Microsoft. UCS contains comprehensive Active Directory functions and an App Center via which enterprise applications can be integrated and operated. UCS allows web-based IT management and can be employed in organisations of all shapes and sizes. The product can be used as a classic server solution, on the cloud or for hybrid IT environments. It can be operated as a component for existing Microsoft infrastructures and supports the simple replacement of Microsoft Windows domains. UCS also forms the technical basis of the Open Cloud Alliance, a consortium of renowned hardware manufacturers and software developers aiming to work together with a constantly growing number of cloud service providers to create an open, standardised and secure cloud offer. Univention has a global partner network and subsidiaries across Europe and North America.


Contact at Univention GmbH

Alice Horstmann
Univention GmbH
Mary-Somerville-Straße 1
28359 Bremen
Tel.: +49 (0)421/22232-27
Fax: +49 (0)421/22232-99

Press contact

punktgenau PR
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Tel. +49 (0)911 9644332
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