OpenProject 11.0

Version 11.0 of the open source project management software OpenProject includes many new features that improve both classic and agile project management.

OpenProject: Safe project management for teams

OpenProject is an open source project management software that supports teams in their daily project work – from project start to completion.
Especially distributed teams can easily collaborate, create and prioritize their tasks, collaboratively create and share project plans, work in agile boards, document content in the wiki, and much more.
The project team has access to all relevant project content from anywhere and can share it with other stakeholders.

The open source software places a strong focus on data protection and security and thus offers an alternative to solutions like MS Project, Jira or Trello.

Top-down-planning for more flexibility

The new version of the free software includes top-down project planning. Project plans can now be created even more flexibly. The new planning mode allows the project team to define all tasks involved in a project, starting with a fixed start and end date and breaking them down into smaller work packages. It is possible to define a start and end date of a parent element without being affected by the start and end dates of its children. Projects can now be planned from top to bottom without knowing all tasks conclusively at the beginning of the project. In OpenProject, this allows both top-down project planning and bottom-up planning, or even a combination of both.

View of the top-down planning tool in OpenProject 11.0

The new version of OpenProject allows an easy top-down-scheduling.

In Version 11.0, project templates can now also be defined and used to create new projects. The project portfolio management has also been optimized, allowing a large number of projects to be managed easily. The wiki pages have been enhanced with various macros to add information from the projects. Integrated images can now be easily resized. The module for time and cost recording in projects has also been improved.

Exclusive features in the Enterprise version

Version 11.0 also includes two new agile boards that allow for more flexible agile project management. Parent-child elements can be created as boards to create work breakdown structures. In addition, project hierarchies can now be created as boards. All associated tasks can be distributed between the sub-projects and edited in an agile manner. The help texts have now been extended to include descriptions for project attributes.

View of project plans in OpenProject 11.0

Establish project hierarchies easily with OpenProject 11.0

Users can install the OpenProject Community version via the Univention App Center. This enables them to enjoy the advantages of integrated user management. The Enterprise version builds on top of the free Community version and includes additional premium features and support. A token for the upgrade can be purchased directly from OpenProject.

Interested users can read about all new features and changes in the extensive release article on As open source software OpenProject 11.0 appears under the GPLv3 and is published on GitHub.

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