Private Internet use requires clear rules

Frau chattet im social web am Laptop

When it comes to network security, one of the greatest security gaps is still the “human factor”, especially through private Internet use at the work place. In addition to private e-mails, the ever increasing reach of social networks is currently representing a great challenge. Viruses and other malware from the web seek out exactly these weaknesses. Attacks increase on a daily base and businesses in all industries and of all sizes, must implement ever more sophisticated standards for protection.

Bye Bye Active Directory Password Service

Hand schreibt das Wort: Simplify
Long before Samba became compatible with Active Directory (Version 4.0, 2011), the UCS AD Connector has already been implemented to build a bridge between UCS’ OpenLDAP-based identity management system and native Microsoft Active Directory domains. Indeed, the UCS AD Connector formed the starting point for the design of the S4 connector employed in UCS today internally to synchronize OpenLDAP with Samba/AD.

How Cloud Service Providers Can Offer Integrated Applications with Real Value for Enterprises


In this post, I want to help answering the question how cloud and managed service providers can help end user organizations to move faster and more decisively into the cloud. This is of major relevance for the growth of all CSPs and MSPs and a requirement for every provider who wants to be able to compete against the large players like Amazon and Microsoft.

Why bother?

The first question of cause is: Do organizations want to move into the cloud at all? Especially with their internal applications like collaboration software or ERP systems? And as a consequence: Is there an opportunity for service providers at all?

Don’t let them take you hostage

Visualisierung Computer Virus

How to back up data from Linux and Windows machines centrally with Bareos and restore them in case of disaster.

Performing periodic backups in computer networks is indispensable. In times of Locky and other ransomware backups are often the only option left to regain access to your data. Nevertheless, for backups to be effective against these types of threats, a number of aspects have to be considered.

Univention & TecArt publish app bundle with Docker integration

Univention App Center mit TecArt App

In our App Center the new TecArt app, the first application based on the state-of-the-art “Docker” container technology for operation in UCS is now available. The app is stored in an isolated container, making it possible to run different software applications in the same server environment without conflicts.
I am glad, that TecArt is the first developer using our new Docker integration in the App Center. Container technology Docker LogoThe encapsulation via Docker allows TecArt to satisfy the specific requirements on essential software libraries and their versions via the App Center without any complex maneuvers or additional efforts.  

The Local Experts for Fast-Growing IT Needs

When reading our success stories, one could conclude that UCS is geared towards mid to large size businesses, school districts and government agencies. While many of these use UCS, and we are proud they trust us with their day-to-day IT operations, a large group of our customers are missing on this listing. These are your mom and pop shop down the road, the 3 person law office around the corner and the small non-profit in the neighborhood.

What makes small business customers distinct from the bigger ones?

An Introduction to the Univention Management Console

The Univention Management Console (UMC) is the graphical web interface of Univention Corporate Server. In the following video, I would like to explain you the most important features and functions of this tool.


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The End of Linearity, git Implementation in Professional Services

git-ucs-branches-releases-commands_enWe have now been using git as the version control software for our projects in the Professional Services Team at Univention for a number of weeks and to great success. In this blog article, I want to give you a bit more information about our decision to employ git, report on our initial, recent experiences and provide a perspective of the aspects still requiring work. In doing so, I hope maybe to provide you with a suggestion or two for your own projects or that perhaps you will also have ideas for how we can implement our requirements even better using git.


  • Both the migration of SVN to git and the use of git as a tool in the productive workflow have gone very smoothly.
  • The challenges involved in the professional introduction are considerable, particularly with regard to the preparation of the coordinated workflow.

After the Sale – A day with Univention’s Professional Services at customer migration

Kevin Dominik KorteOne of the most staggering experiences I had when transferring from our Professional Services team to North American management was that suddenly I got into the first line of contact with the potential customer. Suddenly the filter, which was the German Sales team, was gone and I had to handle all customer questions directly. It was a fascinating experience though, because I suddenly didn’t just have to do the work I was used to but also had to explain what our Consulting Team is usually doing and why the customer has to pay for it.