Maximize the efficiency of your school IT

Centralized Identity & Access Management

With UCS@school, you get a user-friendly and secure solution for managing identities and access permissions for your users. The seamless integration of state services and school software enables automatic synchronization of user data, reducing administrative overhead and significantly improving data quality.

Teachers and students receive a digital identity that allows easy access to all approved IT services with Single Sign-On. This enables heterogeneous and complex IT infrastructures to be centrally managed, deployed, and administered with minimal effort.

Digital Sovereignty
Maintain full control over data, user identities, and IT processes.
Administrative convenience through centralization
Efficient creation, updating, and deactivation of user accounts through a central platform.
User-friendliness with Single Sign-On (SSO)
Simplified access to various systems and applications without the need for multiple logins.

Maximum control

Thanks to UCS@school, you enjoy comprehensive control over user identities and data security. You have the option to operate UCS@school either in your own data center or with an external provider. UCS@school is flexibly configurable and expandable, offering long-term benefits and sustainable value:

  • Cost optimization and resource savings
  • Relief for school management and teachers
  • Future-proof system
  • Preservation of digital sovereignty through data sovereignty
Education UCS@school
Children using computer in school

Flexible Integration

Thanks to UCS@school, you can effectively meet the diverse requirements of schools and learners. The Univention App Center offers easy integration of various open-source services and applications for daily school use. These include learning software, email and chat solutions, office programs, file sharing, and mobile device management.

Moreover, standardized interfaces allow for seamless integration of additional IT services and digital learning platforms such as itslearning, bettermarks, or WebWeaver with the central identity management of UCS@school. This way, you can build a customized educational cloud that meets the specific requirements of your schools optimally.

Univention ID Broker

Offer schools flexible extensions to their educational offerings through external services. The ID Broker enables uniform authentication for digital educational offers.
More about the Univention ID Broker
Vorschau zum Whitepaper des Univention ID Broker
Benefits for schools and teachers

Simple digital Teaching

Our central IAM solution UCS@school relieves school management and offers teachers and students a comfortable user experience.

  • Individual rights and role concepts for school-specific requirements
  • Self-service functions such as password reset
  • Location and time-independent access to the educational portal
  • Integration of educational functions
  • Inclusion of communication tools such as chat and video conferences
Digitaler Unterricht mit UCS@school


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