Welcome Screenshot of groupware Tine version Caroline

Welcome Caroline! If you ask yourself every year why Tine 2.0 Major releases are code-named Elena, Egon and now Caroline, just know that these are the names of the offspring of the Tine 2.0 team.

And Caroline really has it in the bag. Our latest strike is our most comprehensive update to date. Here is a selection of the most important innovations:

Full text search in indexed documents, versioning and optional preview

With the extension of the file manager, we are taking care of the ongoing digitization and the trend towards collaborative and location-independent work. While the management, linking, sharing and synchronization of files and documents in Tine 2.0 has been possible for a long time, full-text search in indexed documents sets a new mark. Since the full-text search is done with tika, only a tika.jar is required on the Tine 2.0 web server.

Screenshot of full text search and preview function in Tine 2.0 Caroline

Document versioning protects the authors from unwanted content loss by overwriting. If new, modified versions of a document are loaded into the file manager, they will be versioned by Tine 2.0. Older versions of the document are still available for download. In this context, the possibility of a system-side e-mail notification is also useful, which informs the previously defined circle of authors about changes to files.

Quickly search for a specific document or image – if you don’t know the file name or location, this is often a tedious and time-consuming undertaking: After all, suspicious documents have to be loaded onto the client and opened with the appropriate program. With Caroline, our business customers benefit from an optional preview of documents in a wide variety of formats from pdf to jpg to doc – directly in the file manager and independent of the client’s operating system. For the creation of thumbnails, an additional service is required, which Metaways offers its business customers as a SaaS option.

The rights management for the file manager has been extended to include the rights “Publish” and “Download”. Download links created for external file access can now be protected with a randomly generated password.

Mail merge functionality

Whereas in the previous versions of Tine 2.0, the contribution for the creation of mail merge letters is limited to the data source (export), Caroline allows the submission of ready-made templates in docx format, so that the export of the selected recipients takes place directly into the deposited mail merge and the finished letter can be opened for printing in the selected Office program.

Screenshot of mail merge function in Tine 2.0 Caroline

Automatic time slot search and dynamic recurring schedule exceptions

When you add attendees and resources for an appointment to be scheduled, the organizer receives the availability status already displayed in the Create dialog box. If there is a larger group of participants, the new function of the automatic time slot search helps, which suggests to the organizer on click the next free and suitable slots of all participants and resources.

A common pitfall for recurring appointments is that the organizer has to remove the exceptions manually from the recurring appointment. The new dynamic exceptions make it possible to take into account other Tine 2.0 calendars such as calendars for public holidays, vacations and illness during appointment creation.

Screenshot of automatic time slot search function in Tine 2.0 Caroline

General Innovations

Almost all entries and adjustments in Tine 2.0 are written to a history with an undo function, so that overwritten entries can be restored if desired. System links allow direct internal access to modules, folders and files.

Advanced two-factor authentication allows you to enable an additional PIN query to access selected modules, folders and files.

More information on Caroline and Tine 2.0 can be found at www.tine20.com or

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