Bremen, March 12, 2019 – Univention has launched the latest release of Univention Corporate Server (UCS). The enhancements of version 4.4 focus on a number of new features, higher security and more comfort. With the application “Admin Diary”, UCS now supports administrators in making administrative activities traceable. For more security, password policies can be defined more strictly and flexibly with the new version. UCS 4.4 has also added support for trusts, which enables the integration of services operated in Microsoft domains. Users can now enjoy an enhanced Self Service that eliminates the need for numerous admin requests. At the same time as UCS, Univention is releasing an updated version of UCS@school specifically for schools and school authorities, making it much easier to connect to external services.
The most important new features of UCS 4.4 at a glance
- Admin Diary: With the new app “Admin Diary”, administrative events of a UCS environment can be centrally viewed and evaluated. Using a module of the Univention Management Console, changes to users, groups or other objects in the directory service can be tracked just as easily as updates from servers or the installation and removal of apps. Multiple administrators can access the Admin Diary and add comments to events.
- App Center extended: Administrators can now select from the user object in the management system which app the user has access to and to what extent. All installed apps are clearly displayed through their icons. In addition, apps can now be found more quickly in the App Center thanks to various filter functions for solution categories, license types and manufacturer recommendations, and users can vote for new suggested apps in the App Center via “Vote for Apps”. With the new “Install Permissions for Apps”, app vendors can determine which versions of their apps are only accessible via the App Center as Enterprise Apps after signing a contract with them.
- Enhancement in Self Service: End users can now use the Self Service web interface not only for resetting their password, but also for editing their own contact information, thereby further reducing the burden on administrators. These administrators now also have the option of using the Self Service to invite new users by e-mail.
- Additional feature and technology updates: The upgrade to Samba 4.10 now supports trusts with Microsoft Active Directory, simplifying access to Microsoft services. Fine Grained Password Policies can also be defined to allow for stricter and more flexible password policies.
- The Univention Management Console (UMC) display has been improved in many ways, including optimisation for small displays. The Radius apps for UCS and UCS@school have been unified and improved so that passwords for WLAN access points can now be inserted web-based via UMC.
- UCS@school 4.4: The release of Univention’s education-optimized solution coincides with the new version of UCS. New features include further automation of the installation process for school servers and simpler connection of external services such as e-mail, cloud, timetable software, a newly configured role for employees to access pedagogical resources, and optimization of the web portal for federal-, school authorities- and school installations.
Prices and Availability
UCS 4.4 is now available. Interested parties can opt for the free UCS Core Edition or various subscription models with enterprise support and up to 7 years maintenance guarantee. Prices start at 319 Euro per year (10 users, one domain).