Bremen, April 26, 2018 – Today, Univention releases the Domain Join Assistant for Univention Corporate Server (UCS). This new tool allows administrators to integrate Ubuntu machines into a UCS domain without any additional manual configuration. All users can directly log in to an Ubuntu desktop using their usual domain accounts. With this automation, Univention significantly helps administrators to manage Ubuntu clients on the network. Thanks to a Kerberos SAML integration, organizations who are already using the recently released UCS 4.3 can now also offer their users single sign-on for the Ubuntu clients. The new Domain Join Assistant will replace the previous Univention Corporate Client (UCC). However, Univention customers with a maintenance contract will receive updates for UCC until April 30, 2021.
‘Our customers want to easily integrate notebooks and PCs with standard Ubuntu into UCS domains while keeping their maintenance cost as low as possible,’ says Nico Gulden, Product Manager Univention. ‘We have implemented this wish with the release of the Domain Join Assistant.’

Further advantages of the Domain Join Assistant in UCS environments:

  • Users can log in to various Ubuntu systems using their login data.
  • No more manual steps required: Users simply enter their credentials in a clear user interface. Everything else happens automatically.
  • Users do not need to install a special client.

Technische Requirements

Univention supports Ubuntu 17.10 (“Artful”), 16.04 LTS (“Xenial”) as well as the brand new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (“Bionic Beaver”), which final version is expected at the end of April.

Further information has been published by Univention on Github:

Further information for maintenance customers:

Pictures to download

Icon of the Domain Join Assistant

Fullscreen Screenshot of the Domain Join Assistant

GUI of the Domain Join Assistant

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