privacyIDEA PAM

This application is not available for any currently maintained UCS version. Please contact the app provider or look for alternatives in the app catalog

privacyIDEA is a modern authentication system for two factor authentication. This is the PAM module to connect to privacyIDEA. Using the PAM module you can authenticate services based on PAM like SSH against privacyIDEA, thus requiring a second security factor when logging into your machine.

You need to install privacyIDEA PAM on each machine, where you want to use two factor authentication. 

Complementary Apps

  • privacyIDEA
    NetKnights GmbH
    Secure Login with two factor authentication
    View app
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UCS is a software appliance. The source packages contain the complete source code of the in-house developments and the software taken over by Debian GNU/Linux. The license is documented in the source packages.

You can find the source code of the in-house developments in a GIT Repository where also contribution to the further development of UCS is possible.

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