On January 28, 2021, the 14th Univention Summit will take place. For the first time, it will be purely digital. Our CEO Peter Ganten will open the meeting with his keynote on “Digital Sovereignty: Spread Possibilities, not Dependencies”. In further presentations, you can listen to Frank Karlitschek (Nextcloud) talking about how to collaborate securely and efficiently, and Rafael Laguna (Federal Agency for Leap Innovations SPRIND) who will take a look at Europe’s digital future.

All participants will get practical tips on how to design secure and sovereign IT infrastructures and achieve digital sovereignty. Another focus will be on digitization of education, a matter which has gained enormous momentum in the first year of the pandemic. Just the mere number of users of our UCS@school solution in the education sector has tripled to 1.5 million. In addition, IT managers from companies, administration and the education sector will report on the modernization of their organizations through the use of open source software.

The highlights of the Univention Summit 2021

As a contribution to the technology tracks, Gino Harlos will do a live demo showing the automated installation of UCS as a container for Docker or Podman environments. In the presentation “UCS 2020 – Hidden Champions in UCS 4”, administrators and IT experts will get an overview of the new features that were added to UCS in the past year. In addition, they will obtain valuable advice for the upcoming migration from UCS 4 to UCS 5 in the presentation “UCS 2021 – Be prepared for UCS 5.0”.

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In a row of user presentations, software company SUSE will describe the migration of 200,000 user accounts to UCS, while Frederike Heinitz from the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Research will present the institute’s UCS infrastructure. ONLYOFFICE will describe the new possibilities for secure collaboration with full data control using Docs Enterprise Edition as an alternative to the Microsoft 365 Office offering.

The education track is all about digital education: whether it’s overcoming the enormous challenges due to the Corona crisis using the example of the city of Wolfsburg, integrating iPads into the IT infrastructure using the example of schools in Bremen, or providing simple, fast and secure access to digital educational offerings using the example of the city of Neumünster. The city of Chemnitz will report on how it connected its centrally managed school IT to the SaxSVS and Lernsax state user database and to Apple School Manager. Product Manager Patrick Ziegler will complement the day giving a comprehensive insight into the UCS@school roadmap.

Digital sovereignty: core theme of this year’s event

Nothing that was in focus on last year’s Summit has lost any of its importance this year. Digital Sovereignity will play the leading role once again. In his workshop report, technology expert Kurt Garloff will describe the technical infrastructure of the European cloud infrastructure. Its basis is formed by the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS), co-initiated by Univention, on which Garloff is working with companies such as PlusServer and an international developer community. A productive use should be possible before the end of this year.

In a panel discussion, Peter Ganten will talk with Sven Thomsen (Head of the Department for Digital Agenda and Central IT Management of the Schleswig-Holstein state government) ,Johann Bizer (CEO of Dataport), Dr. Martin Hagen (Senator for Finances of the Hanseatic City of Bremen, division of IT and digitization) and Adriana Groh (Open Knowledge Foundation)  about digital sovereignty in public administration.

Portraits and information on some speakers of the Univention Summmit 2021

A small selection of the speakers who will be present at the Univention Summit 2021


Virtual discussion rounds

Apart from attending the epeeches, you have got the chance to exchange opinions and ideas on various topics with other experts on January 28th. We offer several virtual roundtables and workshops on topics like how the trend towards the cloud and Digital Sovereignity can be reconciled, how office applications can be implemented economically with open source solutions and how mobile devices can be administered centrally.

Renowned open source vendors with virtual booths

Among the more than 25 sponsors who will present themselves and their products in this virtual exhibition, are the software manufacturers Nextcloud (diamond sponsor), the system house, education expert and Apple Solution Expert Bechtle as well as the vendors agorum, ONLYOFFICE and Open-Xchange (platinum sponsors). You can find all our sponsors in this overview.

The full agenda of the Univention Summit 2021 can be found here:

Venue and pricing information

The Univention Summit 2021 will take place purely virtually on January 28, 2021. Registration is 30 euros per participant. The technology bar camp will take place on January 29, 2021. Here, participation is free, however, registration is required (Note: At this point, there are no more tickets available for the bar camp. However, there is an option to put your name on the waiting list at the summit website).

Further information at: https://www.univention-summit.com/registration

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