Bremen, November 27, 2019 – Due to the high interest of several Max Planck Institutes in using Univention Corporate Server (UCS) as a central identity management and platform for connecting various other services, a maintenance and support agreement between Univention and the Max Planck Society (MPG) was made last year. This agreement defines the scope of the use of UCS Enterprise
Subscriptions including maintenance and support. All institutes of the Max Planck Society can thus use a UCS standard subscription with an unlimited number of users and servers quickly and easily within the framework agreed in the contract.

Since the end of August this year, the UCS contract has also been part of the MPG’s basic software package agreement. Institutes or institutions interested in a subscription can obtain it promptly from the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL). A local purchase becomes superfluous.

This contract extension gives all institutes easy access to a centrally designed Open Source IT solution that is maintained and supported by a manufacturer.

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