New complete package for IT in schools from Baden-Württemberg based on UCS @school

The Media Centre of Baden-Württemberg ( presented the new paedML Linux 6.0 to IT service providers for schools. Unlike its predecessor, the new product is based on UCS@school, the solution for IT in schools developed by the Bremen-based software house Univention, which is already in use in schools and educational authorities in several other German states and Switzerland.

In paedML Linux 6.0 there is now an Open Source complete package available to the around 4,000 schools in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, which, in addition to the teaching functions, also includes a firewall, backup possibilities and client management tools and which IT service providers can install in schools and operate in next to no time.

Stuttgart, Bremen, 9th July 2014. Yesterday, the Media Centre of Baden-Württemberg (LMZ) presented its new paedML Linux 6.0 solution, which was met with great interest by the responsible school IT service providers. The new version supersedes paedML Linux 5.x. It boasts a whole range of technical innovations and satisfies schools’ latest requirements on a modern school IT solution.
In paedML Linux 6.0 the schools in Baden-Württemberg now have a complete package at their disposal, which includes a firewall, a backup system, mechanisms for software distribution, import mechanisms for school administration data and a simple possibility for client registration among other features. In addition to extensive documentation, schools and the IT service providers who support them also have the possibility of attending specialised training sessions on the software’s day-to-day application in schools.

Christian Rogowsky from Schwenk IT, who has already been implementing paedML in schools across Baden-Württemberg and other states for a number of years, attended the information event in Stuttgart and commented afterwards: “With the new features such as the integration for PC operating systems installation and software distribution, a central hardware and software inventory and a simplified and improved user interface, the new paedML Linux boasts many advantages for the administrator in the school and the on-site teaching staff alike. We are looking forward to implementing the solution at a range of schools all across the country. In fact, the first contracts have already been concluded.”

Emmerich Hernadi, Director of the IT Department at the Media Centre of Baden-Württemberg added: “We are focusing on our key educational competences. We know the requirements in schools and offer software manufacturers advice when developing their products.”

The decisive advantage of paedML Linux 6.0 is that it can be introduced into schools by the respective service providers and operated in next to no time. Administrative tasks such as the integration of new users and end devices or the granting of rights can be performed centrally via a web-based management tool. The educational functions have intentionally been designed to be self-explanatory, so that the teaching staff can employ them easily in lessons, for example for enabling pupils’ computers, providing digital teaching materials or starting a class working mode. This should help to ensure that personnel resources, which in the past ended up in the administration of school IT time and time again, are now completely available for teaching purposes in Baden-Württemberg.

About Univention
Univention is a leading supplier of Open Source products for the operation and management of IT infrastructures. The core product is Univention Corporate Server (UCS), a flexible, cost-efficient and successful alternative to server solutions from Microsoft. UCS includes comprehensive Active Directory functions and an App Center to integrate and operate enterprise applications.

UCS allows web-based IT management and is well suited for organizations of any size, either as a classic server solution, in the cloud or in hybrid IT environments. UCS is designed to operate as part of existing Microsoft infrastructures and supports the easy replacement of Microsoft Windows domains.

With Univention Corporate Client, which is based on UCS, Univention provides a management solution for Ubuntu and with UCS@school a complete system for the operation and management of IT in schools. Univention has a worldwide partner network and subsidiaries in Europe and North America.

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Contact Univention:
Univention GmbH
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Contact Media Centre Baden-Württemberg:
Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LMZ)
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Rotenbergstraße 11
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Tel.:  +49 711 2850 – 715
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