About WebUntis
WebUntis is an application for publishing the timetable in the browser. It is aimed at teachers, pupils and their parents. The timetable is used by the school in the browser or via the practical app.
In addition, WebUntis has an electronic class book that completely replaces the class book from paper. You can also manage examinations, grades, homework and teaching material. With the online booking system for rooms and resources, you have a complete system that leaves nothing to be desired.
WebUntis and UCS@school
WebUntis is particularly interesting for school authorities and schools. It can be linked to the identity management of UCS@school so that students and teachers have access to WebUntis via the same credentials as in the computer room. Feel free to contact us.
The blog posting How-To für Anbindung von WebUntis an UCS@school für Single Sign-on-Anmeldungen (only in German) describes the single sign-on setup via SAML between UCS@school and WebUntis with an example.
About the app
This app places a link to the WebUntis offer of the Untis GmbH on the overview page of the UCS system. No additional software is installed. If necessary, the link with the identity management of UCS@school must be set up separately.