OX Connector

The OX Connector App synchronizes selected users and groups to a local or remote OX installation via OX' SOAP API.

To use the App, you need an Open-Xchange groupware installation such as the OX App Suite app from Univention App Center or a dedicated installation on a non-UCS system.

After the setup, the OX Connector App manages users, groups, resources such as conference rooms, and contexts. The Nubus Identity management is the leading identity management system and decides about which objects are synced to OX. A Single Sign On between Keycloak of Nubus and OX can be configured.

For more information, see OX Connector app documentation.

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Download UCS

Download UCS and activate OX Connector directly from the App Center.

Further information

Please contact the App provider for further license details
Available for UCS versions:
Please contact the provider of the application