OX Documents

OX Documents is a collection of document orientated apps like OX Text, OX Spreadsheet and OX Presentation.

OX Text - An in-browser word processing tool

OX Text offers real-time editing and collaboration on all major text document formats without compromising document integrity. It frees users to focus on creating the content, and not worry about the process or the file format.

OX Spreadsheet - A cloud-based spreadsheet solution

OX Spreadsheet lets you work directly on a spreadsheet from your browser on any device. There is no need to install any native spreadsheet application. Spreadsheet (Microsoft and OpenOffice) are accessible anywhere, anytime and from any device.

OX Presentation - An online presentation editor

OX Presentation is an online presentation editor that feels and performs like and offline editor. Users can work wherever they want, and thanks to OX Drive, even access synchronized content locally on any mobile device.


OX Documents requires the OX Documents Converter for Linux 64bit and the OX App Suite.

Complementary Apps

  • OX App Suite
    Open-Xchange GmbH
    Groupware, email and communication platform
    View app
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Download UCS

Download UCS and activate OX Documents directly from the App Center.

Further information

Free commercial use
Available for UCS versions: