This App has been discontinued. There will be no more updates for this App. You need to uninstall the App before you can upgrade to the next UCS minor release UCS 5.2.
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Dudle is an open source alternative to the well-known solution Doodle. It is used to create surveys and share them with multiple people easily and conveniently. With the app you do not only shorten voting processes but also save time.
Survey Types-Create appointment arrangements and general surveys easily
With the tool you can create two types of surveys - appointment arrangements or polls on general topics such as the best type of coffee.
Once Dudle has been installed from the Univention App Center, the app is available through the UCS portal. A click on the app tile opens the application directly - no separate login or registration of the user is required. This allows the user to create a survey directly. First, a title is assigned and the type of survey is selected, then the selection options are configured.
Share surveys quickly and easily
The Dudle surveys can either be sent by e-mail or the URL can be copied and shared via any channel. Surveys can also be password protected. Upon receipt, survey participants make their selections either anonymously or by name. They can always choose between "accept", "reject" and "undecided".
The source code for this application is available under the AGPLv3 license.