bettermarks offers over 100,000 math exercises for 2,000 learning objectives for every teaching unit and for every level of knowledge in grades 4 to 10. These can be individually assigned and offer new exercises with each attempt. Teachers receive an overview of all activities and detailed results. Difficulties can be identified at class and individual student level. Students can work independently on topics. bettermarks analyzes the entries, recognizes correct approaches and finds systematic errors. Direct feedback with constructive assistance and detailed solutions help to trace and correct errors and to repeat requirements in a meaningful way.
This app is is made for school authorities and schools. It permits access to bettermarks, a mathematical learning platform.
This app is a connector between UCS@school and the bettermarks cloud service. To use bettermarks, teachers and students click on the bettermarks tile and enter their UCS username and password, which are then authenticated by UCS@school. That means no extra account has to be created for bettermarks.
bettermarks uses the class structure available at UCS@school, so that teachers and student can work in the environment of their classes. That being said, no personal data is made persistent at bettermarks.
Please note: The bettermarks connector app is currently under testing with schools in Bremen. Please contact bettermarks, if you are interested in testing. See contact details in the app information.