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With the release of UCS@school 4.1 R2, Univention’s IT solution for schools has two new additional functions for the central management of digital identities and authorizations. UCS@school now allows teaching staff and pupils to use their accounts at various schools. And stored school administration data can now be automatically imported into the identity management system. These new functions significantly reduce the maintenance costs of managing the identities and authorizations of pupils and teaching staff. With these two new features, UCS@school increases its creative, centralized, cost effective IT management of applications and digital identity in schools.

Univention presents new release of UCS@school 4.1 R2

Bremen, 21.6.2016: The school IT solution UCS@school gives the IT management of schools a centralized operation of data and applications. The centralized solution provides teaching staff and pupils the comfort and ease of being able to securely access their accounts via mobile devices any time, any where.

The newest release, 4.1 R2 from UCS@school, further streamlines Univention’s concept of centralization by allowing teaching staff and pupils to use the same account at any number of schools. This resolves a pressing need in today’s schools, since as many as one third of pupils and teaching staff will attend more than one school. Till now, in order to access school computers, applications, common data or email accounts, a separate user name and password was needed in each school. With this new option, school administrators can now authorize users at any number of schools and permit access to the necessary IT at those locations. User authorization is automatically transferred to the particular online learning platform, file sharing or email software in the different schools

A second substantial improvement which comes with the release of UCS@school 4.1 R2 is the implementation of an automated adjustment of user data between administration and school IT. Schools are very much like large companies in relation to the amount of “employees” they have. But unlike companies, the entire ” workforce” changes yearly. Each year they change classes or even schools. Until now this meant a double expenditure of effort, as changes had to be made not only in the administration software, but also in the schools’ IT.

And so the development department at Univention sought to expand the automation of data from user accounts in school administration into individual schools. User names and email addresses are generated automatically out of the data and made available to identity management. Upon request further variables can be defined.

For these imports UCS@school provides an interface which enables data to be directly converted. So different data formats like XML, JSON, CSV can simply be transferred and processed on location via UCS@school. This allows schools, at the beginning of the school year, or in the case of a change of school, to automatically make user accounts available. A manual change isn’t necessary and the work is significantly reduced.

Additional functions of the new UCS@school version:

  • Life-cycle management

  • Test runs for the importation and automated deactivation of data

  • Automated deletion of antiquated user accounts

  • Preview function for outcomes of automatically imported data

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