After the installation of UCS you can reach the UMC from any client in the network by the IP-address or the DNS name in a browser. Open then the green administration tab and click on the system and domain settings. You can now log in as administrator with the root password you had chosen during the installation process. A good and brief introduction to the UMC is given in the video on the right.
First steps for using UCS as a Platform for Business Applications
1. Login to the Univention Management Console (UMC)
2. Add domain users
One of the first things you will need in your new domain are user accounts. They enable your colleagues to log in to clients and applications in your domain. So it is a good idea to first add domain users when starting with UCS.
You find the users in the yellow user category. At the beginning it is enough to add a user with the quick wizard by simply typing the name and the login name. Later you can make more detailed settings like described in here.
3. Install a Business Application via the Univention App Center
The next step is to install the application we want our domain users to use. The number of available apps is increasing continuously and shown in the green software category in the module App Center. There you find UCS components, for example, functions you can install optionally but also third party business applications such as groupware, backup software, etc.
How to install an application is shown in the video tutorial on the right. Some of the advantages to install apps via the App Center are that the applications will be automatically connected to the UCS directory service. Your users can thus use this app with their UCS credentials and the app will be integrated into the UCS Management Console. Besides, it will also be covered by the UCS update mechanism which makes it easy to always keep it up to date.
On the UCS portal site which you open in the browser by addressing the UCS server IP or DNS name you now find the installed application. When you click on it, your users can log in to the app with their normal domain credentials you set in the user module.
Further information
These are main UCS features but our solution can do way more for you. See our website for a list of selected, interesting functions for your organization. For even further information go the technical documentation.
You can also get in contact with our technical team and community to discuss technical questions and issues via the Univention forum.