Univention Management Console (UMC)

Screenshot der UMC-Portalansicht von UCS@school. Oben sind fünf bunte App Kacheln zu sehen, darunter die Univention Management Console mit fünf weiteren bunten App Ordnern.

Univention App Center (Display Interface)

Screenshot vom UCS Portal. Dort ist das integrierte App Center in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet und zeigt alle verfügbaren Apps für UCS@school

UCS online portal (individually configurable)

Screenshot der neuen Portalansicht: Apps können nach Präferenz sortiert werden in UCS 5

UCS Domain Dervices

Screenshot der Einstellungen im UCS 5.0 UMC-Portal.

UCS Functions Single Sign-on for UMC

Screenshot der UCS 5.0-Anmeldeschnittstelle

UCS Funktionen Self Service

Screenshot of Self Service: Change of contact information in UCS 5

Visual Univention App Center

App Center Visual

Peter H. Ganten


Zu sehen ist Peter H. Ganten, CEO von Univention

Peter H. Ganten


Peter Ganten CEO Univention - halbnah

Univention Headquarter


Zu sehen ist das Gebäude der Univention Zentrale in Bremen

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  • Their use should be accompanied by the following remark: “Courtesy of Univention GmbH. Unauthorised use prohibited.” The remark “Courtesy of Univention GmbH” may be replaced with “”Source: Univention GmbH””.
  • Images may only be copied for distribution and other commercial purposes with written permission from Univention.
  • The use of Univention trademarks is not permitted unless said trademarks happen to appear in the photographs/images made available by Univention.
  • Univention reserves the right to withdraw the permission to reproduce copyrighted materials at any time. This applies when according to Univention’’s point of view a use of the right to reproduce the corresponding materials is made in a manner contrary to the interests of the company or the instructions above relating to the protection of copyrights are not consistently followed.
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