
Team Lead Software Engineering

My life is ruled by SCRUM and Bugzilla – just kidding. It’s actually quite a dynamic mix of tasks, partly technical but also quite a lot of communication in and between teams. The only fixed date recurring every day are the SCRUM dailies.

Foto Arvid Software Engenieer - Univention

What are your tasks as Team Lead Software Engineering?

My tasks as Open Source software engineer and team lead range from regular SCRUM team work and third level support to working on technical and architectural concepts as well as addressing team concerns, managing interns and students.
My main technical areas of focus are UCS Identity Management and Samba/Active Directory, and other backend components of UCS.

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What do you like about your work?

I like the diversity of challenges which still remains after more than 10 years of working on UCS. I like experiencing the product as well as the development of technology and processes evolving for the better. I like seeing Univention successfully balancing the challenging spectrum of customer and market demands as well as bridging the chasm between the long term stability requirements of customer organizations on one side and tackling new technological challenges to bring UCS to ever new milestones of maturity, versatility, robustness and usability. It’s more of a marathon than a sprint, with the occasional delightful piece of cake on the way.

What is a typical working day?

My life is ruled by SCRUM and Bugzilla – just kidding. It’s actually quite a dynamic mix of tasks, partly technical but also quite a lot of communication in and between teams. The only fixed date recurring every day are the SCRUM dailies. Before that I’m processing internal email and chat communication, checking the results of the nightly integration test runs and trying to finalize the task I promised in the last SCRUM daily. Obviously there are more remote meetings throughout the day. Every now and then I’ll get a request from our support or other developers to exchange knowledge, discuss optimization and automation of processes or help debugging a system and customers or partners resolve their issues.

What did you learn at Univention?

I didn’t know anything about Samba/Active Directory when I started. Actually I remember being afraid that I’d get asked a Kerberos question during the first job interview. Nowadays I can handle these areas with confidence and occasionally contribute a patch to upstream software development, e.g. of the Samba and OpenLDAP teams. My Python (2) skills were on the glue-script level when I started and now I’m quite confident writing/debugging Python bindings for C libraries and properly handling proper encoding of LDAP calls from Python 3 code. So, I’m sure there’s still a lot to improve and learn, but I’d say it’s not too bad. I‘ve learned improving my presentations at conferences, at least I hope so.

Why do you like working at Univention?

I like the team spirit and the open communication. We are striving for a diverse combination of capabilities and focus areas. By starting with a smaller company, I was able to learn a diverse spectrum of technological areas. Growing as a company requires spreading knowledge and efficient yet transparent communication to bring everyone on the same level and getting the direction of where we heading right.

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And finally: What do you like to do in your free time?

Uh, too few sports, I guess. One of my passions is DJing diverse international styles of largely electronic music with a digital setup. A bit of biking, running and swimming help to refresh the mind and discover new ideas.