Univention Corporate Server (UCS) is available as an ISO image for installation or as a preinstalled, virtual machine image for VMware, Virtualbox, Hyper-V and KVM. With these images, you can instantly use UCS for free as a UCS Core Edition.

After accepting the licensing conditions, you can download UCS.

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Download UCS 5.0 ISO-Image

Install UCS directly on your hardware by burning the ISO image onto a CD or saving it on a USB stick. To run UCS in a virtualization environment, just integrate the ISO image into it.

The image includes a license key for the UCS Core Edition and can be used instantly after the confirmation of the licensing conditions.

Download UCS 5.0 VM-Images

You can run and use UCS directly as a preinstalled VMware, Virtualbox, Hyper-V and KVM image. The images contain a license key of the UCS Core Edition and can be used immediately after having confirmed the licensing conditions.

Please note, virtual machines with UCS require at least 1.5 GB of memory.

The downloaded files can be verified using our checksums.

You can always add a UCS Enterprise Subscription including support to your UCS installation. No need to reinstall UCS or any apps. You can find more information at Prices and Subscriptions.

Download UCS Source Code

The source code of each UCS release is also available. This can be downloaded in packages via the “apt-get source” mechanism built into APT. This applies to both in-house developments and software adopted by Debian. The packages are subject to different licenses. These are documented within each package.

The source code of the in-house developments is also available in a GIT repository. It is also possible to participate in the further development of UCS.