The Univention App Center provides updates for the following apps of our partner solutions:

  • SEP sesam and SEP client 4.4.2-78 (for UCS 4.0 and 4.1)
  • OpenVPN4UCS 1.1.5 (for UCS 4.0 and 4.1)
  • KIX4OTRS 6.1.13-0 (for UCS 4.1)

Details to KIX4OTRS can be found in the KIX4OTRS changelog.

Why don’t you test these apps via the App Catalog? Here you also find general information on all available solutions in the App Center.

Univention App Center

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Maren Abatielos joined Univention in 2012. Since then she has been engaged in content and social media marketing for UCS and Open Source in general.