Since 2010, the Berufsbildende Schule Handelslehranstalt Hameln has been promoting the media skills of its approximately 1,700 pupils and 80 teachers through an internet-based learning environment. UCS@school offers central IT administration with single sign-on, secure WLAN, the integration of mobile devices and the integration of collaborative software tools.
To promote the media skills of students, the Berufsbildende Schule Handelslehranstalt Hameln has been using an internet-based learning environment since 2010, which is actively used by around 1,700 students and around 80 teachers.
- User-friendly single sign-on.
- Integration of the EduPlaza collaboration platform, which provides individual mail accounts for students and teachers, among other things.
- Flexible addition of further software tools for collaborative use as part of a portal solution.
- Centrally managed IT infrastructure that can later be used to integrate additional school locations across the school authority.
- Secure Internet access.
- Integration of mobile end devices via a central ID mediation service.
- Central control of the entire school IT including central identity management for all participants via UCS@school.
- Creation of a portal page that gives teachers and pupils single sign-on access to the school-wide, high-performance WLAN.
- Access to all applications, such as EduPlaza, WebUntis, the messenger, the software distribution opsi and the complete PC room control.