The city of Aachen has 37 primary schools with a total of around 7500 pupils. The introduction of UCS@school as a central identity and access management system enabled the standardization of the school’s IT infrastructure and its more efficient operation. Simultaneously, the administrative IT tasks of the 1180 employees in education and administration were significantly reduced.
The city of Aachen with 37 primary schools, about 7,500 pupils as users and 11,800 workplaces in education and administration
- Standardization of the IT infrastructures
- Efficient operation with minimal efforts on-site at the schools
- Educational functions for teachers
- Virtualization of all servers
- UCS@school as the central identity and access management system combined with virtualized UCS@school school servers in the data center.
- Windows clients in those schools with a stable connection to the data center.
- The city of Aachen is supported by our partner regio it.