Our App Center team has been busy as usual, releasing four Apps from the Univention App Center as App Appliances. An App Appliance bundles UCS and an App in a virtual machine. The Appliances are available for the virtualization and cloud formats KVM, VMware, and VirtualBox. In addition to the pre-configured App, they also contain a pre-configured UCS system and a management system for administrating the App itself and its users. App Appliances are thus a particularly easy way to start an App without having to install it via the in UCS integrated Univention App Center.
App manufacturers, in turn, find it particularly attractive to be able to choose their own corporate branding for their Appliance. And it only takes very little effort to do so via the App Provider Portal. Thanks to this feature, areas such as the Bootsplash, the welcome screen, the setup, and the portal of the UCS system show the colors and logo of the respective App.

Corporate branding in Appliances exemplified by the Appliances OpenProject, ownCloud and SuiteCRM
Our App Center team has also recently expanded the UCS portal for the UCS 4.2 appliances: To help users find their way more quickly the first time they access the portal, an overlay is provided to show them the first steps. The displayed text can be configured. Thus, the App creator can explain the first steps with the Appliance to the user, making it even easier to get it started.
Find the App Appliances Kopano, OpenProject, ownCloud and SuiteCRM in the App Catalog.
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